Microsoft Ignite 2019 で発表になった Azure Stack Integrated system 関連のアナウンスをまとめました。 ソース Book of News - Ignite 2019 - Microsoft News Azure Stack Hub extends capabilities on the Edge Now is the time to modernize your datacenter and migrate your applications to Microsoft Azure Stack Building high-value integrated data
If you configure restricted NSG without “Internet” service tag on Azure Stack, you need to consider and This entry is the summary of my investigation about and on Azure Stack.
Environment ASDK 1908 in @syuheiuda ’s physical container
Ref: is an instance metadata service. A virtual machine needs to access during the deployment process. If the NSG which is attached to the virtual machine blocks the outbound traffic to 169.
はじめに Azure Private Link が Public Preview になりました。 Private Link は Private Endpoint と Private Link Service の2つで構成されています。本エントリでは、Private Link Service を利用して別テナントにシス
Introduction Microsoft and Red Hat support that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 (and later) runs on Azure Stack. But there is not the image of Red Hat Enterprise Linux in Azure Staack Marketplace at this moment. So Azure Stack Operator needs to create the custom image of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and need to add this image to Azure Stack Marketplace. Microsoft publishes the following document to add
はじめに Microsoft と Red Hat は Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 以降を Azure Stack 上で動作させることをサポートしています。 ただし、2019年9月現在の Azure Stack Marketplace には Red Hat Enterprise Linux のイメージが
Introduction Azure stack requires users to apply patch and update(P&U) continually. If your Azure Stack is not in the latest three versions, Microsoft doesn’t support your Azure Stack. So it is so important that Azure Stack Operator notice the release of new Azure Stack.
This blog explains how to check the new Azure Stack.
The type of P&U Microsoft and OEM vendor release new Azure stack. The new Azure Stack is three types as follows.