App Service Resource Provider on Azure Stack Hub contains four secrets. Azure Stack Hub Operator needs to rotate these secrets.
Encryption Keys Connection Strings Certificates System Credentials The most important secret is Certificates. If you forget rotating these certificates, App Service RP and App Service on a tenant side don’t run normally. But the admin portal doesn’t alert the expiration of these certificates. Unfortunately, The admin portal can alert the only expiration of the deployment certificate.
送信元 NAT のマネージドサービスである Nat Gateway が Public Preview になったので早速試してみました。 Azure Virtual Network—Network address translation is now in preview What is Virtual Network NAT (Public Preview)? 気に
Tips for AKS Engine on Azure Stack Hub We can use AKS Engine on Azure Stack Hub in production bacause this became GA at Ignite 2019. I created kubernetec cluster on Azure Stack Hub and learned some Tips. I’m happy if this entry will help Azure Stack Hub Operator.
1. Keep enough quotas You need to have an enough quota to deploy k8s engine because the deployment of AKS engine create many VMs and managed disks.