The issue of Kubernetes template 0.4.2 for Azure Stack

Published: 2019-05-23


This entry is additional information about the following entry. I believe that this entry will help who deploy k8s cluster 0.4.2 on Azure Stack.

Azure Stack に Kubernetes Cluster をデプロイする


ASDK 1904 @physical container


when you deploy k8s cluster on Azure Stack by using k8s template 0.4.2, you can set only 1 to the count of muster node.



The 1 is set in the template which defines the UI for a deploy. This file is located in the “systemgallery” storage account.

        "name": "masterPoolProfileCount",
        "type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown",
        "label": "Kubernetes master pool profile count",
        "defaultValue": "1",
        "toolTip": "The number of master nodes for the Kubernetes cluster. This value should be odd number.",
        "constraints": {
          "allowedValues": [{
              "label": "1",
              "value": "1"
        "visible": true


If you are Azure Stack Operator, you need to update “createUiDefinition.json” in ”dev20161101-microsoft-windowsazure-gallery/Microsoft.AzureStackKubernetesCluster.0.4.2/DeploymentTemplates”.

        "name": "masterPoolProfileCount",
        "type": "Microsoft.Common.DropDown",
        "label": "Kubernetes master pool profile count",
        "defaultValue": "3",
        "toolTip": "The number of master nodes for the Kubernetes cluster. This value should be odd number.",
        "constraints": {
          "allowedValues": [{
              "label": "1",
              "value": "1"
              "label": "3",
              "value": "3"
              "label": "5",
              "value": "5"
              "label": "7",
              "value": "7"
        "visible": true

If you are Azure Stack user, you need to call your Azure Stack Operator to fix this issue.

Final thought

Why did the count of a master node be changed to only 1? I hope that this issue will be fixed at the next release.

During fixing this issue, I got more experience about Azure Stack Marketplace. This experience grew me.