Microsoft Ignite 2018のスケジュールを決める流れでAzure Stack関連のセッションを探しました。発見したセッションを、終了後に公開されるスライドへのリンク集とするためにまとめました。なお、Ignite終了後に本エントリをアップデートする予定です。
Azure Stackのキーマン(と私が認識している)が担当するセッションは次の通りです。
- BRK2367 - Azure Stack Overview and Roadmap
- https://myignite.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/65842
- Natalia Mackevicius
- BRK3334 - The guide to becoming a Microsoft Azure Stack operator
- BRK3317 - Best Practices for Planning Azure Stack deployment and post-deployment integrations with Azure
- https://myignite.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/65844
- Thomas Roettinger
- BRK2305 - Discovering the Importance of Security Design Principles and Key Use cases for Azure Stack
- https://myignite.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/66250
- Filippo Seracini
- BRK3335 - Understanding architectural patterns and practices for business continuity and disaster recovery on Microsoft Azure Stack
- https://myignite.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/66253
- Hector Linares
- THR3027 - Machine learning applications in Microsoft Azure Stack
- WRK3000 - Microsoft Azure Stack workshop
- BRK3288 - Implementing DevOps in Microsoft Azure Stack
- THR2058 - What you need to know to run Microsoft Azure Stack as a CSP
- BRK2374 - Understanding hybrid application patterns for Microsoft Azure Stack
- BRK2373 - Getting started with Microsoft Azure Stack as a developer
- THR2057 - Building solutions for public industry vertical with Microsoft Azure Stack
タイトルにAzure Stackが入っていないが、次のセッションのスピーカはAzure Stack担当です。
- BRK3318 - Accelerate application development through open source frameworks and marketplace items
なお、前日に実施されるPre-Day WorkshopにもAzure Stackがあります。
- PRE28 - Building and operating hybrid cloud solutions with Azure and Azure Stack
- https://myignite.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/64054
- Alfredo Pizzirani, Justin Incarnato, Spencer Shepler
Azure Stackを販売しているOEMベンダがスピーカを担当するセッションは次の通りです。これら以外にも、Expo会場でOEMベンダが独自でセッションをやりそうな気がします。
- THR3071 - Azure Stack survival guide: The field notes of a systems integrator
- BRK2441 - Why architecture matters: A closer look at Dell EMC solutions for Microsoft WSSD, Azure Stack, and SQL Server
- THR2300 - From edge to cloud: WSSD and Azure Stack from Dell EMC
- THR2349 - Recent Azure Stack technology advancements
- THR2350 - What are Lenovo and Microsoft Azure Stack customers experiencing?
- BRK2427 - Securing your cloud journey, from data center to the edge with Cisco
- THR2212 - Inception: Running Microsoft Azure Stack on Azure
- BRK3378 - Four killer technology solutions from Veeam: Transforming cloud data management from on-premises to Microsoft Azure, Azure Stack, and Office 365
- BRK2452 - From Azure Cloud to Azure Stack to Office 365, real-world enterprise data protection scenarios